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Rep. Sander Levin, D-MI., giving the Democrat’s weekly Saturday radio address, said that President Bush is out of touch with the American people on Social Security reform, but Democrats would work with him.

Just how would you and your colleagues work with the president Mr. Levin? Give me just one example. Come on, give me at least one!

Guess what? They can’t.

I haven’t heard one alternate idea from the Democrats. Not one. Their solution is to do nothing. Don’t touch it, don’t even sit by yourself and think thoughts that might be about changing Social Security. Instead, the Left points to polls that say Americans don’t support the president and they think they’ve got a revolution on their hands. Hah.

The Democrats are poll driven. They lost the Presidency, both houses of Congress, majority of state governorships by allegiance to will’o the wisp polls. Now the real polls don’t tell them what they want to hear, so they do their own polls, skew the questions to get the results they want and follow them as though it’s two minutes to midnight and a coup is underway.

Mr. Levin, a good idea is a good idea. Come up with some (or even one) and we’ll listen. Continue complaining and push a “do nothing” agenda and we’ll go our own way.

Lead, or be led.