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— The U.S. raised the terror threat level to “severe” for all flights leaving Britain for the United States. Britain raised its alert level to “critical.”

— Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney ordered the National Guard to Boston’s Logan Airport, and California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger ordered the National Guard to airports in his state.

— Besides banning liquids, British police are also banning passengers from carrying electronic key fobs, which have the potential to trigger bombs.

— A U.S. administration official said the plot targeted Continental, United, British Airways and American Airlines flights to New York, Washington and California.

— As many as 10 flights were targeted, and the plot may have involved up to 50 people, U.S. officials told CNN.

— U.S. and British officials said some suspects could still be on the loose and their investigations were continuing.

— Indications are that at least 21 of those arrested are British citizens and some were of Pakistani ethnicity, a senior U.S. intelligence official said.

— In a sign of the heightened security, Chertoff said the U.S. was dispatching extra air marshals to Britain.

— Chertoff said it was unclear if all suspects were in custody. The plotters were “getting close to the execution phase.” He added, “There were very concrete steps under way to execute all elements of the plan”.