Young men on pins and needles, leaders pensive in their war rooms, uniforms being laid out, even racial tensions are high today as Draft Day becomes a reality.Hundreds of college-aged males are sitting by the phone today wondering if they’re going to be called into battle as soon as this coming Fall. Despite all the advances in the past four decades by women’s rights groups, females are still excluded from the draft.Not only excluding women from the draft, whites seem to be less and less ‘needed’ come draft day. Numbers for 2004 show that 69% of the forces currently doing battle are black. Still, the first person selected in the draft today is a white Economics major from the University of Utah named Alex Smith.So far after Smith, draftees #2 through #15 are all black. Upon reading this, Michael Moore is said to be patrolling outside draft headquarters in New York, asking white passers by if they’d sign up their sons for the draft. One local was heard to retort, “If only my lousy no good son could run a 4.3 forty, I’d be livin large on the Jersey shore. Fahgedaboutit! Babba booie babba booie. J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS!!”Jesse Jackson press conference and photo-op pending.Seriously, today’s NFL draft is a far cry from former Washington Redskins owner (from 1932-1969) George Preston Marshall’s quote, “We’ll start signing Negroes when the Harlem Globetrotters start signing whites.”Marshall probably rolled over in his grave when Doug Williams won a super bowl and game MVP for the Skins at QB. The Joe Gibbs coached Skins selected QB Jason Campbell out of Auburn today, a Doug Williams clone (Gibbs coached Williams as well.)Can you name another Redskin QB named Super Bowl MVP? Bill (PunditGuy) can: Mark Rypien from Washington State University.Just don’t ask Bill about another Wazzu QB, Ryan Leaf.
Draft Reinstituted Today
by PunditGuy | Apr 23, 2005 | General | 0 comments