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I’m back after spending the better part of last week on the beach with my family. We had a great time, there was plenty of sunshine, and lots of sand. Everywhere. But mostly in the minivan. In fact, I must have vacuumed up twenty pounds of the stuff yesterday.

Oh, and another thing. I shaved my head.


No protest or anything moonbat-ish like that. Just one of those ‘spur of the moment’ things. In my case, I was walking down the street of the sleepy beach town we visited when all of a sudden I said (out loud) “We gotta find a barber shop”. I had been in need of a haircut for quite awhile anyway, so this wasn’t all that strange. Yet, when we found the barber and I sat in the chair, he asked the question…“What are we doing today?” My wife said, “give him a buzz”. And that was it. 5 minutes later, it was gone.

Yeah, it feels weird, and it’s taken time to get used to, but hey, what-eh-vah. It’s only hair. (As I write this, I’m about to go back to work, where I’m sure to witness the double-take and subsequent bounty of comments. It’s no different than elementary school.)

Along with the new coiffeur comes new ideas for this blog. Lots of changes in store, none to mention at the moment, but if you hang out here regularly, you’ll notice. If not, then you won’t. I’ll just be that guy that went away for a Labor Day holiday and shaved his head.

It’s good to be back. More, much more, later.