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After the report today about Dick Cheney’s hunting accident, I read this crap.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 12 /U.S. Newswire/ — James and Sarah Brady made comments today related to Vice President Cheney’s reportedly accidental shooting yesterday in Texas.

“Now I understand why Dick Cheney keeps asking me to go hunting with him,” said Jim Brady. “I had a friend once who accidentally shot pellets into his dog – and I thought he was an idiot.”

“I’ve thought Cheney was scary for a long time,” Sarah Brady said. “Now I know I was right to be nervous.”

Those who hate Bush, Cheney, or anyone associated with their administration will take any opportunity they can to make political hay from bonafide accidents that occur. It was Bush falling from bikes before, and now it’s gonna be the gun-toting wild-eyed Veep who is so mean he’ll shoot his own friends.

I wish politics was just about politics.