Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey endorsed Sen. Barack Obama today.
In a surprise move, Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania has endorsed Senator Barack Obama in advance of the April 22 Democratic primary. Mr. Casey had said he would remain neutral in the race in part because he wanted to help broker a reconciliation between Mr. Obama and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton afterward.
“I believe in my heart that there is one person who’s uniquely qualified to lead us in that new direction and that is Barack Obama.” Mr. Casey said during a rally in Pittsburgh Friday.
Mr. Casey is going against the grain in his state, where polls show Mrs. Clinton ahead by at least 12 percentage points and where she has the endorsement of most of the state’s major Democratic figures.
Assuming she wins the primary in Pennsylvania, watch for Hillary to use Casey’s endorsement as proof that superdelegates can thwart the will of the people and line up behind the candidate of their choosing. This is the kind of endorsement she needs to give credence to her belief that she can stay in this til the convention.
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Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bob Casey, Pennsylvania
Read these comments on Obama’s cousins website. his blogs interesting they should mention if Obama doesn’t get the election there will be burning in the us. Obama campaigned for him in Kenya, they lost.
they rioted, killing people with machete’s , burning the church with women and children inside. Nice Family.
and here:
read comments # 14,15,16
do your own search, use obama and his cousin’s name together, and you will be suprised on what the world knows.