Via the Boston Globe:
The nation’s new education secretary denounced PBS yesterday for spending public money on a cartoon with lesbian characters, saying many parents would not want their children exposed to such lifestyles.
The not-yet-aired episode of "Postcards From Buster" shows the title character, an animated bunny, on a trip to Vermont — a state known for recognizing same-sex civil unions. The episode features two lesbian couples, although the focus is on farm life and maple sugaring.
A PBS spokesman said late yesterday that the nonprofit network has decided not to distribute the episode, called "Sugartime!," to its 349 stations. She said the Education Department’s objections were not a factor in that decision.
"Ultimately, our decision was based on the fact that we recognize this is a sensitive issue, and we wanted to make sure that parents had an opportunity to introduce this subject to their children in their own time," said Lea Sloan, vice president of media relations at PBS.
THANK YOU MARGARET SPELLINGS! It’s about time a secretary of education moves to combat the elitists that spend our tax dollars to run PBS as a vehicle to indoctrinate our children with a radical agenda that is out of step with a majority of Americans.
Margaret, while your at it, NPR and the NEA need some cleaning too.
Sponge Bob and PBS are only advocating tolerance for alternate lifestyles.
Code Word: Tolerance
Translation: Absolutely no Morals