I listened this afternoon to Joe Wikert, VP and Executive Publisher in the Professional/Trade division at Wiley. Joe talked about blogging and the value of publishers getting into the habit. It was a good talk. For those of us who already have blogs there wasn’t a lot that was new, but for the bulk of the audience, I’m sure the info he passed along was the first they’ve ever heard on the subject. Wikert through around words like ‘feeds’ and ‘RSS’ with ease, and I’m wondering how many people actually new what he was talking about. That’s the problem with people like us who live in the blogosphere – we think everyone knows what these things are.
I presented today on digital rights and the issues publishers face. I had a lot of information for the time allowed. And then the audience mixed in questions during the talk, and before I knew it, my time was up. Problem is, the subject itself can easily take up an entire two day seminar. Hopefully, my audience heard something they could take away and use.