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Gee, looky here. It’s Kathleen Blanco, Governor of Louisiana, caught on video claiming the levee system was safe.

“We keep getting reports in some places that maybe water is coming over the levees,” Gov. Kathleen Blanco said shortly after noon on Aug. 29, according to the video that was obtained Thursday night. “We heard a report unconfirmed, I think, we have not breached the levee. I think we have not breached the levee at this time.”

In fact, the National Weather Service received a report of a levee breach and issued a flash-flood warning as early as 9:12 a.m. that day, according to the White House’s formal recounting of events the day Katrina struck.

Where are the moonbats now? Why aren’t they calling for Blanco’s resignation? Why aren’t they starting a recall campaign?
