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An apt comparison made by Benjamin Netanyahu.

While stumping in Netanya on Sunday, Likud Chairman MK Benjamin Netanyahu compared Hamas’ victory in Palestinian parliamentary elections last week to the rise of the Nazis in Germany in the 1930s.

“A few days ago, a new foe arose,” Netanyahu said at a campaign stop at the Park Hotel. “When Hitler rose to power, it was said that ruling would moderate him, and it was also said in regards to the Ayatollahs regime and the Taliban. There are urgent warning signs that [scream] out a lust for murder and destruction.”

“The Likud will not continue transferring territory, [we] need to stop giving them money – neither ours nor the world’s – and [we] must prevent them from establishing an army any which way possible,” Netanyahu said, adding that the Likud will derail Hamas’ continuing ascent.

It’s possible that the Hamas win will swing people back to the Likud Party. Israel will need to adopt a more hardline position due to the power shift, and BiBi brings the right stuff.