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Bill Richardson Hearts Barack Obama.

Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico delivered a forceful endorsement of Senator Barack Obama for president on Friday, urging Democrats to unite behind his candidacy to move the nation beyond its racial and partisan divide.

“It is now time for a new generation of leadership to lead America forward,” Mr. Richardson said, speaking to thousands of supporters at a rally here. “Barack Obama will be a historic and a great president, who can bring us the change we so desperately need by bringing us together as a nation here at home and with our allies abroad.”

Forget about the math, Richardson’s endorsement provides more proof of momentum toward Obama. Hillary, with her 10% chance of winning the nomination, looks worse off today, regardless of the numbers.

The question remains, will someone (Gore?) put an end to this race or will Hillary insist on tearing apart the party to achieve her goal?

Yeah, I know the answer.

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2008 Election, Barack Obama, Democrats, Hillary, Bill Richardson