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I’ve never even picked up one of these books, but they’re hard to miss when you’re in the checkout line at your local grocery store. Today, Harlequin announced they’re going all e-book with over 120 titles published per month. That’s right – per MONTH!

Harlequin said yesterday that from this point forward it is making its complete frontlist catalogue available in e-book format. Active in the e-book marketplace since October 2005, with an initial publication schedule of nine titles a month, Harlequin will now be releasing more than 120 titles per month in both print and digital formats.

Harlequin’s e-books will be priced slightly lower than their print books and be available in Adobe, Microsoft Reader, MobiPocket, Palm and Sony formats. The company said it is launching this initiative because its customers embrace the immediacy and portability of the format and the titles do not go out of stock.

Smart move, especially for these types of books. I couldn’t think of a better category for consumer e-books than a quick read like a Harlequin title. Even more importantly, the category is consumed primarily by women, a demographic sorely needed in the e-booksphere.