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I think this is a good thing. to Replay 9/11 Attacks Coverage

CNN will mark the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks by replaying on the Internet the cable network’s coverage of that day’s events.

Viewers can watch how events unfolded starting at 8:30 a.m., minutes before the first reports of an airplane hitting the World Trade Center. The feed will run in real time, as the network showed it five years ago, until midnight.

For the day, CNN will make its online video service, CNN Pipeline, available for free. Normally, viewers pay $2.95 a month or $24.95 a year for four separate video feeds.

I can only pretend to understand how sensitive the events of 9/11 are to some people, especially those in New York and Washington DC. But I think a rebroadcast of the days events should be mandatory viewing for America. Too many people have forgotten who attack us that day. Too many politicians have virtually erased that day from their minds. Too many Americans believe the terrorist attack on that day in September was an isolated event. There are too many people who believe it won’t happen again.

We need a reminder. We need to understand that terrorism is a continuing threat that exists against this country.

Thanks, CNN, for providing this service.