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“I Feel Good”

No, Fidel Castro isn’t trying to do a James Brown impression, but he’s doing all he can to keep the propaganda at a fever pitch. And if today’s radio interview is to be taken seriously, el Jefe ain’t dead yet.

But was it really him?

Technorati Tags:
el jefe, Castro, Hugo Chavez, Cuba


In case you’re wondering where I stand on the following topics:

Anna Nicole Smith
Ellen DeGeneres, and her job as host of the Academy Awards
Paris Hilton
The Beckhams’

I couldn’t care less.

Technorati Tags:
Anna Nicole Smith, Diddy, Paris Hilton, Ellen DeGeneres, Academy Awards, RIAA, Beckham

Your Tax Dollars At Work

What if your child came home from school and mentioned that his teacher got busted for selling meth? Hard to imagine?

Believe it.

A middle school principal accused of selling crystal methamphetamine from his office after school and on weekends was arrested after police found the drug on his desk, authorities said Wednesday.

A letter was sent to parents informing them of the arrest, and teachers had spoken with the 950 students at the school where Acerra had been principal since 2000, said Bethlehem schools Superintendent Joseph Lewis.

“I am saddened and troubled by these events,” Lewis said. “I offer no explanation. There is none.”

One wonders how a guy like that can even be a teacher. Who’s minding the store? Who’s protecting the children? Who hired this guy and why haven’t they been fired?

I don’t get it.

Next time you hear a politician guilt you into paying more tax dollars to fund public education, remember this meth selling teacher and the environment that kept him employed for so long. It should scare you enough to write your representative and demand more accountability.

Technorati Tags:
NEA, Taxes, Education

McCain Makes It (Semi) Official

John McCain will announce his entrance into the 2008 presidential race tonight on the David Letterman show. I hope for his sake that his performance is better than the one he gave in January on Meet the Press.

But about all of this announcement stuff. How important is it that candidates make an event out of the simple act of saying those 15 words? “I am announcing that I will be a candidate for President of the United States.” Did we really expect that McCain wouldn’t run for president? He’s clearly been in campaign mode ever since the November elections. I guess I’m just bugged about all the ruckus made over the ‘announcement’. Not just McCain’s but everyone. Obama’s video. Then Hillary’s video. Giuliani on Hannity & Colmes.

In a few months no one will remember the moment they heard their candidate utter those infamous 15 words. So, is ‘the event’, and the hype surrounding it really necessary?

UPDATE: Hot Air has the McCain video.

Technorati Tags:
McCain, Giuliani, Hillary, Obama, Presidential Race, 2008, Politics, Election

Waking Up

A few months ago I quit this blog. I didn’t have anything interesting to say and I couldn’t muster up more than 2 posts a day. I tried to blog a little since then, but nothing seemed to be coming together. I didn’t want to do the work of maintaining a blog. So why start up again? I didn’t miss the obligatory posting. I didn’t miss the link grabbing. What I did miss was writing. That’s right. The physical act of writing daily was a great mental exercise. I felt sharper. I ‘thought’ better. My brain just enjoyed putting words together. When I stopped, my mind went into hibernation. Suddenly, right now, at this moment, it wants to wake up.

That’s why blogging is important again. That’s why I have to continue. My mind demands it.

I can’t promise great prose. I can’t promise “no less than 10 posts per day”. That’s not gonna happen here anymore. I’m just gonna write. I’m going to write about everything, and about nothing.

And I’m excited about it. I hope you’ll come around often just to see what’s here.

Technorati Tags:
Blogging, Sleep, Mind, Brain, Wake Up

If it weren’t for Google…

No one would be reading this blog. Actually, I’m getting ready to stage a big comeback. I’ve been away long enough now. Sometime in the next week or so, this place will come back to life.

It’ll be a good thing.