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President Envy

Sen. Arlen Specter, who has never been president and therefore hasn’t a clue what it’s like to lead the free world, wants to remind President Bush that he’s not the sole decision maker in this democracy.

“I would suggest respectfully to the president that he is not the sole decider,” Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said during a hearing on Congress’ war powers amid an increasingly harsh debate over Iraq war policy. “The decider is a shared and joint responsibility,” Specter said.

Fine. Whatever.

I’m really tired of Specter wettin’ his pants every time Bush makes a call in the war on terror. His disingenuousness is over the top. Obviously he’s got the power to change things. He can join the likes of those who want to cut off funding for the troops. Yet, all I hear from him is the same ol’ piss and moan dance.

Tags: Piss+and+Moan, War+on+Terror, Decider, Bush, Specter

Jack’s Back

Clearly I wasn’t the only one watching the premiere episode of “24” last night. Actually, me and 10 million other people tuned in. I’ve just recently become a lover of the series. Back in November I downloaded the first season from iTunes and that’s all it took. My wife and I watched the second season (again, on iTunes), then we started renting DVDs from Netflix. We finished the final episode of season 5 last Friday night, just in time to view episode 1 & 2 of season six last night.

There’s only one problem. Now we have commercials to fast forward through…and a weekly wait between episodes.

I can’t emphasize enough how great it is to watch a series like 24 on DVD. You end up eliminating any interruptions. OK, well you do have to sleep, so maybe you have to split a season over two nights. But, you don’t have to deal with the anxiety of waiting to see what happens next. We actually handled around 4 episodes a night, which worked out great. Problem is now, the wife and I are equal to the rest of the world who must wait week by week to see what happens to Jack Bauer. We can’t bear the thought of waiting until season 6 is on DVD. Frankly, it really sucks.

24 – easily the best series television I’ve ever watched.

Democrats Have a Plan for Iraq

The plan is…to lose.

“We have said to the president … we want you to have a plan, and this is what we suggest,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, “a redeployment of our troops out of Iraq” to help “make the region more stable and make America safer.”

Redeployment…heh. Why won’t they just use the word withdrawal? Isn’t that what a redeployment out of Iraq means?

Just say it.

It’s a plan to give up. It’s a plan to leave the job unfinished. It’s a plan to lose.

Leaving Iraq now won’t make the region more stable. Leaving will result in a civil war worse than anyone can imagine. Leaving won’t make America safer. Leaving will communicate that America doesn’t have the toughness to stick it out. Leaving says we fold. We quit. Leaving Iraq means the terrorists will wage the next war knowing we don’t have the guts to stop them.

Leaving Iraq means losing.


Condi on the hanging of Saddam and two of his top aides:

“We were disappointed there was not greater dignity given to the accused under these circumstances.”

Like the dignity they showed their victims, right Condoleeza? Why should we care how the Iraqis carried out the sentencing?