On February 23rd, I’ll be hosting the 127th Carnival of the Vanities, the weekly showcase highlighting a wide variety of blogs. Special thanks to Silflay Hraka for giving me a hosting spot. If you’re not familiar with the COTV, you can read all about its history here.
Submission Guidelines
Send an e-mail to bill@punditguy.com with COTV in the subject line followed by a one word category in case I decide to group articles by subject. So, your email subject line should look something like this:
COTV – [Category]
In the text of the email include the following information:
* Name of your blog:
* URL of the blog:
* Title of your post:
* Permalink to that post:
* Trackback of the post:
* Describe the post in a sentence or two:
Please send your submission by 6 p. m. (EST) on Tuesday, Feb. 22nd. Anything sent after that time/date will need to wait for the next COTV. Thanks!
Carnival Memo
PunditGuy has posted his submission guidelines for the 127th Carnival of The Vanities. That’s next week’s Carnival, not this week’s, which should appear tomorrow at SoccerDad….
Carnival of the Vanities #126
Welcome to Carnival of the Vanities #126. Before we start out little excursion around the blogosphere there are a few things to get out of the way. First of all thanks to Silflay Hraka for originating Carnival of the Vanities…