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On February 23rd, I’ll be hosting the 127th Carnival of the Vanities, the weekly showcase highlighting a wide variety of blogs. Special thanks to Silflay Hraka for giving me a hosting spot. If you’re not familiar with the COTV, you can read all about its history here.

Submission Guidelines
Send an e-mail to with COTV in the subject line followed by a one word category in case I decide to group articles by subject. So, your email subject line should look something like this:

COTV – [Category]

In the text of the email include the following information:

    * Name of your blog:
    * URL of the blog:
    * Title of your post:
    * Permalink to that post:
    * Trackback of the post:
    * Describe the post in a sentence or two:

Please send your submission by 6 p. m. (EST) on Tuesday, Feb. 22nd. Anything sent after that time/date will need to wait for the next COTV. Thanks!