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Barack feels the need to give Algore a big ‘ol sloppy wet one. You can guess where.

Democrat Barack Obama said Wednesday he talks regularly with former vice president Al Gore and would consider putting him in a Cabinet-level position or higher. A woman at a town hall asked the Illinois senator if elected president would he consider tapping the former vice president for his Cabinet, or an even higher level office, to address global warming. “I would,” Obama said. “Not only will I, but I will make a commitment that Al Gore will be at the table and play a central part in us figuring out how we solve this problem.

Obama knows about the animosity that remains firmly entrenched between the Clinton’s and the Gore’s, so he’s trying to do everything possible to sweeten (and stir) the pot here. Watch Hillary on this one. If a member of her campaign provides an in-kind offer to this blatant pandering by Obama, it’ll be an indicative measure of her desperation.

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2008 Election, Al Gore, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton