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Well, well, well…looky here. Mr. Obama is already acting like he’s in the Oval Office.

Obama calls Kenyan opposition leader; appeals for calm

NAIROBI, Kenya (CNN) — U.S. presidential hopeful Barack Obama — whose father was from Kenya — has called Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga to express his concerns about the outcome of the recent presidential elections in the African country, Odinga told CNN Tuesday.

An official with Obama’s campaign confirmed the Monday phone call, saying Obama wanted to speak personally to Odinga and emphasize how important it is to reduce the violence, because it can’t be allowed to tear the country apart.

“He said he was very concerned about the situation” and asked Odinga to hold talks with newly re-elected President Mwai Kibaki, the opposition leader told CNN’s Jim Clancy.

OK, so maybe he’s legitimately concerned about Kenya, but this stunt gets the eyebrow raise of the day.

2008 Election, Barack Obama, Oval Office, President