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Over the course of the last few weeks I’ve come to a conclusion.

Contrary to conventional wisdom, Bush’s lagging poll numbers do not indicate a leftward shift of the electorate. His low approval ratings are not (entirely) the result of the daily beatings he receives from the media.

No. His poll ratings are a direct result of the push back he’s receiving from his base. There’s a general distaste in the mouths of Conservative Republicans over the way GOP members of Congress are conducting their jobs, and that spills over onto the president. How is this? Let me count the ways.

1. Uncontrolled Spending

2. Harriet Miers

3. Dubai Ports Deal

4. Weak Immigration Policy

5. Compromises on National Security Policies

Conservative voters are heartsick over the craziness that has occurred within the White House and in Congress over the past few months, and it’s starting to spill over into national polling. The principals we hold dear are being thrown under the proverbial bus. The needle is in the red zone.

It is wrong to believe that we can easily stay in power because Democrats are weak and directionless.

If Republicans continue to abandon the very principals that got them elected to power, they will greatly increase the chance that they’ll lose their majority status in 2006, and perhaps even the White House in ‘08.

We’ve got to get our eyes back on the ball before it’s too late.